Bashar al Assad’s plan to stop the war (on Charlie Rose)

How would Bashar al Assad want to end the war? He answered this question on the Charlie Rose Show, on 9 September, 2013. Why share this? Many of us will not be inclined to listen to the whole interview, and so I though it would be relevant to hear what Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria,…

Summary of article: Theories of Revolutions and Arab Uprisings

A summary of Derya Göçer Akder’s article Theories of Revolutions and Arab Uprisings. Derya Göçer Akder, Theories of Revolutions and Arab Uprisings: The Lessons from the Middle East, Ortadoğu Etütleri, Volume 4, No 2, January 2013, pp.85-110. Introduction The article persuades us to rethink some of the ideas that are generally assumed about revolutions – lessons that…

Alireza Nader: Iran’s Elections to End All Elections

Alireza Nader sees the next Presidential elections in Iran in June 2013 to go either of two ways. A further consolidation of power of the Supreme Leader, through effectively preventing the Guardian Council of accepting any candidate which would be tempted to ride his own track. The next President should be very loyal and consult with…